Kids Fitness

Read our children’s fitness blog written by Sarah Gillespie to get new information

The Exercise Feel – Good Factor

Utilising The Feel Good Factor

The stress-relieving benefits of exercise for adults is well documented and discussed and we all know that a long walk, swim or exercise class will have us feeling like new after a long, hard day. However, this ‘feel-good’ aspect of sport and exercise is rarely discussed from a child’s perspective.

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Fitness and Mental Health in Children

Fitness and Mental Health in Children

While we all know the many physical benefits of exercise for children, one thing we don’t always focus on enough is the positive effect exercise has on our children’s mental health and well-being.As parents, the more you understand about the benefits, the more motivation you will have to implement change into your children’s lives to encourage them to be more active. 

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Why the fundamentals matter

Why the fundamentals matter

Here at RINKA, we focus on putting the FUN into fundamental movement skills but mastering these basic skills is a serious business! Why is it such a hot topic of conversation nowadays? The main reason is that the natural habitat of children has changed. Gone are the days of hours spent playing outdoors with balls, skipping ropes and hopscotch and in are the days of structured play and sedentary activity. Children used to master these skills naturally but now they aren’t being mastered at all.

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Fitness isn’t something to be ‘fitted in’

Fitness isn’t something to be ‘fitted in’

Fitness isn’t something that should need to be ‘fitted in’ to a schedule. This makes it a chore – another thing to tick off an already very long to do list. Families and schools need to embrace fitness as a way of life. We need to focus on the abundance of benefits we gain from exercise and see movement as a blessing! Children are naturally creative and energetic- it is our responsibility as adults to provide them with the space to be so! 

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Sarah Gillespie CEO RINKA Ireland

Sarah Gillespie

Blog Author