As a nation, one of the things we look forward to most about Christmas is the food that comes with it! From early December we begin to treat ourselves because ‘why not, it’s Christmas?!’
Selection boxes come out, sweets adorn every shop counter, school plays are celebrated with crisps and fizzy drinks and routine slowly but surely disappears out the window! It is the undoubtedly a wonderful time of year, and indulging ourselves is part and parcel of it all, but don’t limit your Christmas experience to one of food only!
Focus on teaching your children the importance of family time, the magic of icy cold nature walks, the enjoyment of reading together, the wonderment of telling old stories, the sentiment of age-old traditions and the fun of starting new ones!
When it comes to your child’s diet and health over Christmas remember one simple thing – they can only eat what you provide. Their nutrition is in your hands.
Here are a few simple ideas to keep your kids feeling fresh and content and allow them to start the new year revitalised after the break.
Keep mealtimes regular
– Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make sure kids are starting the day with a healthy breakfast, followed by a lunch and dinner. This will help diminish their need to snack
Encourage active play
– Wrap kids up and send them outside! Take the dog for a walk, go on a nature trail, kick a ball around. Remember kids need to be active for at least 60mins a day.
Take Control of the TV
– Limit the amount of time children watch tv each day and introduce new activities. Get them outside, let them bake, encourage healthy free play etc
Water Consumption
– Leave jugs of water available for kids throughout the day and allow them to sip on it and keep them hydrated without sugary drinks – these must be limited!
Put regular treat days on hold
– Maybe every Friday is take away night or every Saturday is sweets day. During the holidays explain to your kids that these treat days will be back when they go back to school!