Schools out, homework is finished until September and the uniform has been buried at the body of the wardrobe. YIPEEEEE!!!!! But wait for it…. ‘Mum what are we doing today?” Yes, it doesn’t take summer boredom long to kick in.
Summer camps are a fantastic way for kids to learn new skills, make new friends and get out of the house for a few days during the holidays. But with so many camps on offer how do you choose what is best for your child? Here are a few tips to help you choose.
First and foremost, talk with your child. Signing them up to a soccer camp may be your idea of fun, but it is it theirs? Find out what they would like to do for a week. Is there a class they would have liked to do during the year and could maybe use a camp to try it out? Do they want a physically active camp or are they looking for an arty camp?
So now you know what type of camp your child would like, how do you know if the one you have chosen is a good one? Here are a few questions to ask:
- How qualified are the staff teaching the camp and are they fully insured?
- What is the ratio of teachers to kids in the camp?
- Is the area in which the camp is being held equipped with basic amenities in a safe and secure surrounding?
- What does the daily schedule look like? Ask to see a timetable of what the kids will be doing each day and make sure they aren’t left to their own devices.
- Find out what age groups are put together and make sure these groupings are suitable for your child
- Are the children supervised during break times and until they are collected , even if a parent is late?
- Does the camp promote an inclusive policy were all children are treated equally?
Once you are satisfied with the answers you have got, then it is time to focus on the FUN of summer camp. Your child will make memories and new friends as well as learn new skills and develop self-confidence and you can rest easy knowing you’ve done your homework!