We all know it’s been a long winter with coughs, sore throats, sore tummies and not to mention the Aussie flu. Our little people and teachers alike have been under a lot of pressure this year!
But did you know that exercise is fantastic way to boost the immune system and help ward off these nasties?
Recent studies have suggested that if you complete moderate exercise just a few times every week, you can drastically reduce the number of colds that you get every year. Exercise can boost your immune system and help your body fight off harmful diseases and even something as simple as the common cold. Exercise can boost your immune system by providing a boost to the cells in your body that are assigned to attack bacteria and help you fight off colds and flus before they get hold! What better reason to get out and about and get moving?!
You don’t need to make drastic efforts either to see a boost in your immune system – a simple 30 min brisk walk in the evening will do it!
So let’s help kids build their little immunities and encourage daily movement. Here’s a few simple ideas:
1. Don’t drive so much! Encourage children to walk and cycle where possible.
2. Take Control of the TV! Limit the amount of time children watch tv each evening and introduce new activities. Get them outside, let them bake, and encourage free play.
3. Be Active Together! Introduce family walking time and make the most of important bonding time outside in the fresh air.
4. Build a den or treehouse with them in the school holidays. Or, under supervision, encourage them to climb a tree or two. Encourage exploration!
5. Take the dog for a walk. If you don’t have one of your own, ask to borrow a neighbour’s or friend’s dog and take it for a walk.
6. Fly a kite! What a fun way to bring some fresh air, movement and laughter into both yours and your child’s life.
7. Walk to school each day (the return walk will increase your own steps)
8. Schedule a nature walk night for the family to do together each week
9. Bring a ball to the beach on a Sunday morning
10.Run races in the back garden
11.By a pedometer for both you and your children and chart your progress each day.
12.Buy a WII fit and have family tournaments
13.Run a disco in the sitting room and dance the night away
Remember, every little counts. Encourage as many opportunities for movement in kids lives as possible – the benefits are endless!